News From the Michael Sandy Foundation
The following message comes from our friends at The Michael Sandy Foundation. The RBMF proudly supports their efforts, and hopes that you'll join us in attending the events they've scheduled.
Dear FriendsOnly one short year ago Michael was taken from us...and as this anniversary arises we'd like you to know the current status and updates from The Michael Sandy Foundation.
The Michael Sandy Foundation has been accredited with a 501(c)3 which makes us a NY Nonprofit Organization established with a Board of Directors. We've been very busy this past year finaling all the paperwork necessary to be given exempt tax status and become Incorporated, and now that we are the real work begins.
Please, dear friends, join with us in a one year memorial for Michael Sandy on Saturday the 13th of October 2007 at the St. Ignatius Church in Manhattan. The following day, October 14th, a candlelight vigil will be held where Michael was killed, Plumb Beach.
The events that are currently scheduled are:
Memorial Service
Sat. October 13th
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
980 Park Ave. at 84th st.
New York, Ny 10028
Please arrive at 6:30, Service commences promptly at 7pm.
Candle Light Vigil and Public Statement
Sun. October 14th
Plumb Beach, Sheepshead Bay
Brooklyn, NY
Please arrive at 4:30, Event will commence promptly at 5pm.
This is serious, and we are committed. We know you are to.
All our love,Michael Sandy Foundation
-Patrick McBride
-Keith Winsted
-Tony Bruce
-Michael Dudek
-Chelsea Tillett
All always donations can be made out to: The Michael Sandy Foundation
Mailing Address: The Michael Sandy Foundation PO BOX 20706 New York, NY 10011
Voicemail: 917 677 3108
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